Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Through the Lens Into Their Lives


As you scrolled down the post you saw the dusted head of a small girl from her Hindu ear piercing ceremony in Penang, Malaysia. But it wasn't until she looked up that you realized her eyes were piercing through you.

Taking on the suggestion to take more thematic pictures, I started capturing the presence of children around the world. (cliche!) However, as the unknown quote proclaims:

"Life is like photography; we develop from the negatives." (cliche quota satisfied).

My first experiment was at a Hindu Temple in mainland Penang, Malaysia. Instead of the anticipated Gerber look that oftentimes are on display at Walmart's baby photo booth, I found my lens capturing joy, curiosity, boredom, but also fear, confusion, and honest hardship even at their younger than young age.

Take it for what you will, but I find the purest statements about a culture through the interactions with those that have not studied/tested/established differences and who probably cannot even spell the word hate.

For some of them, a 5'10" Ang Moh (white person) probably raises a few red flags as they have think about culture/self/race/differences for the first time.

This obedient little girl stayed near her auntie, unaware of how valuable her beauty will be.

Mischievious little man. Roaming around, checking his heart rate, desiring to be on the move.

A lonely heart. This boy sits without food and sits without friends.

I first tried to catch the dancing of Behlvia and her brother.

Finally I captured her alone, reflecting on her interaction with me. Imagine you just saw a white girl taller than the average male, I'd have to sit down and think about it too.