Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pretty Lights

Finally, a fog-free night. It was a chilly day, 45 degrees, and my first night back from Malaysia, but I knew I had to see the skyline without fog. So, the lone (she)wolf set out on the MTR to capture the beautiful place that feels more like my city each day.

The Dark Knight building is still impressive even without Christian Bale in his batsuit lurking atop the structure.

My favorite building so far is the I.M. Pei zigzags with the goal post at the top. This is not its original location. It was moved from Murray House to Stanley for a hefty price of 1$ billion HKD. The "X" patterns were originally frowned upon because of the negative vibe X's have in feng shui, but Pei modified the design. The building from certain angles looks like a meat cleaver - not necessarily positive either.