Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Beginning of the Best Adventure Ever

Here is a pic of the man, who after an email sent 48 hours before arrival let us stay in his house, eat with his friends, ride his bikes, annoy him with our Americanism, call him Patchi or Mama or Papa Bear, all based on a Google search of "Malaysia adventure cycling."

Woke up at 6am after having a successful first pub crawl - more on that later (it's our business plan that we are kicking off in Hong Kong!) Got to the plane, got a free meal there! Landed in Kuala Lumpur, took a bus to the bus station, took a taxi to the next station, took a bus to Parit Buntar... a little poor town outside Penang known for its fishing villages, but only known by the locals.

Chris awaiting the bus numero 2 in what looks to be a homemade exit row.
Normal Malay attire for putting air in your tires: a towel around your waist.
Finally arrived around 11pm, met up with Damien (39 year old, quit his job with Barclay's after traveling the world with them in IT Research, now cycling the world on his own, David (57 years old, our beloved/bewildering host), Chris and Catherine (Globe's adventure duo).

- Catherine
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