Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Make it the 6th P: Phood

Beginning my love of Hong Kong, I'm returning to my passion of flavor. So within the 6th P: Phood, there are the 4 S's: Survey, Savor, Surroundings, Strangers. In order to grasp food culture fully, I have to do my research; I have to be enveloped by the flavor; I have to observe the ambience/lack of ambience; and the new requirement: I must befriend one stranger - this bit taken from the fantastic connections we made outside of Tim Ho Wan Dim Sum (Bank of America in Tokyo with Mariko!).

This Kaya container resembles the fantastic jam based on eggs, coconut and sugar that symbolizes the fantastic experiences of both Singapore (SEAS 2008) and Malaysia - with David! But this is only the beginning. *note this picture is from my desk - are those Monopoly cards in the background?

- Catherine
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